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Tantra per coppie: Corsi
coppia felice



The word Tantra comes from Sanscrit and means tools (tan) for expansion (tra).

 The work we present is profoundly based on meditation.

These seminars nurtures the space of intimacy, lovingness and sweetness within relationship, and they are also an opportunity to reconnect and "recharge the batteries".

It is a playful love journey that explores aspects of our life energy in action in our life and relationships.


On this love-journey we will be exploring and bringing awareness into:

•    the urge in our sexuality

•    the play of emotions,

•    the untameable mind


We will explore circulations originating from The Tibetan Buddhist Tantra meditations from Osho and Tao.

These meditations and circulations work on our energy system supporting the system to be able to contain more and more energy, they balance the male and the female. They align the chakras both within each individual and they also bring an alignment in the relationship.


Tantra is an exploration towards wholeness, in the beginning with an outer partner, later also in the inner current.

Tantra can strengthen our presence in the body, in the sensuousness, in the difficult and in the pleasurable.


The seminars are for couples who wish to explore and deepen their experience and understanding of sexual energy and about relating. For couples, who have been together for a long time, who wish to reconnect and strengthen the loving intimacy that this work can bring.

It is a prerequisite that you want to remain together.





This Process for Couples is an opportunity to have a continuity with ones experience with Tantra and the tools           it offers. 


Our daily lives take up a lot of our precious time. The practical needs, work, family etc  easily take over and there is less space and time to give priority to a continuity and use the meditations and tools we have experienced in such a precious process. 


It is a possibility for catching up from where one left in a previous course: 
To carry on and to give value to a process that enriches our relationships and our individual lives.
To continue expanding our awareness with the tools that Tantra offers.


Joining these Deepening Process, you will have more understanding and experience, how:


  • tantra can enrich our relationships. 

  • our sexuality can become even more fun and creative

  • intimacy also becomes individuality

  • tantric meditations can becomes more and more an integrated part of the relationship and our personal growth.


Alchemy of Tantra "Tantra Process for Couples":


  • Alchemy of Tantra: The play of polarity 

  • Alchemy of Tantra / (in water) 

  • Tantric Lovemaking Retreat 

  • Alchemy of Tantra / Deepening Intimacy

  • Fantasies "Advance" 



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